Manajemen Emosi Sebuah Projek Fotografi Ekspresi

May 30, 2015 | Artikel

Kiriman : Farhan Adityasmara, S.Sn, M.Sn (Dosen Fakultas Seni Rupa Dan Desain Jurusan Fotografi)

1Management of Emotions, a Photography project. In life human cannot be separated from management principles in their daily lives, either directly or indirectly, wheter conscious or unconscious. Studies in scientific management emerged in the early 20th century, the industrial revolution in Europe, and America revolution is based on production management changes more effectively and efficiently. The reason is that the more advanced society, and the needs of a growing and diverse.

Creating a work of art cannot be separated from emotion. Emotion are strong feeling against anything: love, happiness, hate, jealousy. What we create is aform of emotional expression posed. If it is not controlled, emotion can have negative impact, such as depression, and even psychiatric disorders. As individual who dedicate life in arts, the author tries to create a management system of art, with the output of visual art.2

Art management system in the process of creating works using interactive experiments between fields in the form of walls, bottles of paint, and people who have certain emotions towards something. B3ottles containing paint is a symbol of emotion, which then thrown towards the best-prepared field that is also a form of managerial system itself-and the result would be spray paint from broken bottle contains unpredictable results. After a series of documentation in the form of still photos, and videos, the authors took details splash effect that emotion in the form of photographic work.


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Kiriman : Dr. Kadek Suartaya, S.S.Kar., M.Si. Abstrak Dinamika zaman yang terkait dengan gelombang transformasi budaya memunculkan perkembangan, pergeseran dan perubahan terhadap sendi-sendi kehidupan masyarakat Bali. Spesialisasi pada suatu bidang tertentu melahirkan...
