ISI Denpasar Welcomes 7 AQAS Expert Panels in International Accreditation Visitation

Photo: The Rector of ISI Denpasar-Bali, Prof. Dr. I Wayan ‘Kun’ Adnyana along with the leadership, faculty members, and educational staff of ISI Denpasar warmly welcomed 7 AQAS expert panels on Wednesday, March 27, 2024, at the local campus.
The Rector of the Indonesian Institute of the Arts (ISI) Denpasar-Bali, Prof. Dr. I Wayan ‘Kun’ Adnyana, along with the leadership team, faculty members, and staff of ISI Denpasar, warmly welcomed 7 (seven) expert panels from AQAS (Agency for Quality Assurance through Accreditation of Study Programs) on Wednesday, March 27, 2024, at the local campus. The presence of these expert panels from the leading accreditation agency from Germany was part of the International Accreditation Visitation for 4 (four) study programs at ISI Denpasar. The mentioned study programs include the Bachelor of Fine Arts Program, the Bachelor of Karawitan Program, the Bachelor of Applied Fashion Design Program, and the Doctor of Arts Program.
The AQAS Expert Panels conducted the International Accreditation Visitation at ISI Denpasar from March 27 to March 29, 2024. They are Professor Made Mantle Hood (Professor of Ethnomusicology, Tainan University of the Arts, Taiwan), Professor Mag. Dr. Elke Gaugele (Professor for Fashion and Styles, Academy of Fine Arts, Vienna, Austria), Professor Eva-Maria Kollischan (Professor for Artistic Foundation, Trier University of Applied Sciences, Germany), Clarissa Alice Neff (Professional in graphic design, pattern design, footwear design), Blanche Oguey (Student at the Center of World Music, University of Hildesheim, Germany (Student Expert)), along with Dr. Sarah Jenischewski and Vi Le (AQAS consultants). They were welcomed with flower garlands by the Campus Representatives in front of the Rectorate Building Niti Praja Mandala of ISI Denpasar. Subsequently, ISI Denpasar faculty and students presented the Bebarisan Sudamala and Deeng Nusantara dances accompanied by drum beats and choruses.

Photo: The Rector of ISI Denpasar-Bali, Prof. Dr. I Wayan ‘Kun’ Adnyana along with the leadership team and Campus Ambassadors welcoming the arrival of 7 (seven) AQAS expert panelists, Wednesday (27/3).
The Rector of ISI Denpasar, Prof. Dr. I Wayan ‘Kun’ Adnyana, stated that international accreditation is a tangible step for ISI Denpasar to evolve into a leading university not only in Asia but also globally. AQAS, as an independent agency for quality assurance in higher education based in Germany, plays a crucial role in ensuring high-quality standards in education.
“International accreditation is a significant milestone in ISI Denpasar’s journey towards excellence in art education. It demonstrates a commitment to providing the highest quality standards to students and strengthening ISI Denpasar’s reputation globally,” said

Photo: The Rector of ISI Denpasar-Bali, Prof. Dr. I Wayan ‘Kun’ Adnyana along with the leadership team and faculty members of ISI Denpasar together with 7 (seven) AQAS expert panelists, Wednesday (27/3).
Prof. Kun Adnyana, mentioning that the international accreditation assessment for these 4 programs includes comprehensive evaluations of various aspects of program quality. The AQAS International Accreditation consists of Seven (7) indicators, including 1) Curriculum quality, 2) Quality assurance, 3) Student learning, teaching, and assessment, 4) Student admission, study progress, Recognition and Certification, 5) Teaching staff, 6) Learning resources and Student support, 7) Public Information.
“The expert panels conducted discussions with the leadership team of ISI Denpasar, faculty, students, alumni, as well as partners and users of graduates. We hope that the results of this accreditation visitation will be a significant boost to improving the quality of ISI Denpasar in the future,” he added.
Before the official visitation took place, ISI Denpasar had made thorough preparations by holding a Workshop Simulation of International Accreditation Visitation on January 28-31, 2024. The workshop, themed “Bali Tantu Bhuwana” (Achieving Excellent Accreditation), involved two academics from Yogyakarta State University as the main speakers.
With careful preparation and full support from various parties, ISI Denpasar-Bali is confident in achieving prestigious international accreditation to enhance the quality and reputation of art education globally. (ISIDps/Humas-RT)

Tim Ahli Akreditasi Internasional Terpesona Penyambutan Bergaya Bali ISI Denpasar

Foto: Rektor ISI Denpasar-Bali, Prof. Dr. I Wayan ‘Kun’ Adnyana beserta jajaran pimpinan, dosen, dan tenaga kependidikan ISI Denpasar 7 (tujuh) panel ahli AQAS, Rabu, 27 Maret 2024 di kampus setempat.
Rektor Institut Seni Indonesia (ISI) Denpasar-Bali, Prof. Dr. I Wayan ‘Kun’ Adnyana beserta jajaran pimpinan, dosen, dan tenaga kependidikan ISI Denpasar menyambut hangat 7 (tujuh) panel ahli AQAS (Agency for Quality Assurance through Accreditation of Study Programs), Rabu, 27 Maret 2024 di kampus setempat. Kehadiran panel ahli lembaga akreditasi terkemuka asal Jerman ini dalam rangka Visitasi Akreditasi Internasional untuk 4 (empat) program studi (prodi) di ISI Denpasar. Program studi dimaksud, yakni Prodi Seni Murni Program Sarjana, Prodi Karawitan Program Sarjana, Prodi Desain Mode Program Sarjana Terapan, dan Prodi Seni Program Doktor.
Para Panel Ahli AQAS melaksanakan Visitasi Akreditasi Internasional di ISI Denpasar pada tanggal 27 s.d. 29 Maret 2024. Mereka, yakni Prof Made Mantle Hood (Professor of Ethnomusicology, Tainan University of the Arts, Taiwan), Prof. Mag. Dr. Elke Gaugele (Professor for Fashion and Styles, Academy of Fine Arts, Vienna, Austria), Prof. Eva-Maria Kollischan (Professor for Artistic Foundation, Trier University of Applied Sciences, Germany), Clarissa Alice Neff (Professional in graphic design, pattern design, footwear design), Blanche Oguey (Student at the Center of World Music, University of Hildesheim, Germany (Student Expert)), serta Dr. Sarah Jenischewski dan Vi Le (AQAS consultants). Mereka disambut dengan pengalungan bunga oleh Putra-Putri Kampus di depan Gedung Rektorat Niti Praja Mandala ISI Denpasar. Selanjutnya, dosen dan mahasiswa ISI Denpasar menyuguhkan Tari Bebarisan Sudamala dan Deeng Nusantara dengan iringan tabuh dan gerong.

Foto: Rektor ISI Denpasar-Bali, Prof. Dr. I Wayan ‘Kun’ Adnyana beserta jajaran pimpinan dan Putra Putri Kampus menyambut kedatangan 7 (tujuh) panel ahli AQAS, Rabu (27/3).
Rektor ISI Denpasar, Prof. Dr. I Wayan ‘Kun’ Adnyana menyatakan akreditasi internasional adalah langkah nyata bagi ISI Denpasar untuk menjelma menjadi perguruan tinggi terkemuka tidak hanya di Asia tetapi juga di dunia. AQAS, sebagai lembaga independen untuk penjaminan mutu pendidikan tinggi yang berbasis di Jerman, memiliki peran penting dalam menjamin standar kualitas yang tinggi dalam pendidikan.
“Akreditasi internasional adalah tonggak penting dalam perjalanan ISI Denpasar menuju keunggulan dalam pendidikan seni. Ini menunjukkan komitmen untuk memberikan standar kualitas tertinggi kepada mahasiswa dan memperkuat reputasi ISI Denpasar di tingkat global,” ujar

Foto: Rektor ISI Denpasar-Bali, Prof. Dr. I Wayan ‘Kun’ Adnyana beserta jajaran pimpinan dan dosen ISI Denpasar bersama 7 (tujuh) panel ahli AQAS, Rabu (27/3).
Prof Kun Adnyana menuturkan asesmen akreditasi internasional pada 4 prodi ini mencakup penilaian menyeluruh terhadap berbagai aspek kualitas program studi. Akreditasi Internasional AQAS terdiri dari Tujuh (7) indikator yang di nilai, meliputi 1) Kualitas kurikulum, 2) Penjaminan Mutu, 3) Pembelajaran, pengajaran dan penilaian siswa, 4) Penerimaan mahasiswa, perkembangan studi, Rekognisi dan Sertifikasi, 5) Staf pengajar, 6) Sumber pembelajaran dan Dukungan mahasiswa, 7) Informasi Publik.
“Para panel ahli melaksanakan diskusi dengan jajaran pimpinan ISI Denpasar, dosen, mahasiswa, alumni, serta mitra dan pengguna lulusan. Kami berharap hasil dari visitasi akreditasi ini akan menjadi dorongan besar untuk meningkatkan kualitas ISI Denpasar ke depan,” ujarnya.
Sebelum visitasi resmi dilakukan, ISI Denpasar telah melakukan persiapan matang dengan menggelar Workshop Simulasi Visitasi Akreditasi Internasional pada 28-31 Januari 2024. Workshop ini bertema “Bali Tantu Bhuwana” (Gapai Akreditasi Unggul) dan melibatkan dua akademisi dari Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta sebagai narasumber utama.
Dengan persiapan yang cermat dan dukungan penuh dari berbagai pihak, ISI Denpasar-Bali yakin dapat meraih akreditasi internasional yang prestisius untuk meningkatkan mutu dan reputasi pendidikan seni di tingkat global. (ISIDps/Humas-RT)

Gigantic Mural of Independence Learning Mesmerizes AQAS Expert Panel

Photo: The Rector of ISI Denpasar, Prof Dr I Wayan ‘Kun’ Adnyana along with the leadership team, AQAS expert panel, and alumni of ISI Denpasar posing in front of the mural, Wednesday (27/3).
The mural created by alumni and students of the Indonesian Institute of the Arts (ISI) Denpasar-Bali on the eastern wall of the Citta Kelangen Building at ISI Denpasar amazed the AQAS (Agency for Quality Assurance through Accreditation of Study Programs) expert panel. This was revealed during a campus tour as part of the International Accreditation Visitation for 4 (four) Study Programs at ISI Denpasar, on Wednesday, March 27, 2024, in the afternoon.
The expert panel was astonished to witness the creation of a 22×16 meter mural with a focus on an image of a girl engrossed in reading a book. One of the AQAS expert panelists, Clarissa Alice Neff (expert in graphic design, pattern design, footwear design), appeared amazed by this communal artwork. She also praised the solidarity of ISI Denpasar alumni and students who collaboratively created this beautiful and magnificent mural. “This is a wonderful work of art. Very inspiring.”
The mural activity was part of the Mural Art Workshop “Charma Wara” during the series of Alumni Art Festival “Bali Citta Samasta.” This inaugural alumni festival was held from March 19 to April 2, 2024.
ISI Denpasar presented nine mural figures who are also alumni of ISI Denpasar as speakers for Charma Wara. They are I Putu Gede Wahyu Paramartha, S.Sn., M.Sn., Perwira Kesuma, S.Sn., I Komang Merta Sedana, S.Sn., I Wayan Mardiana, Lorenz Angelia Rieza Pangestuty, S.Ds., I Made Arde Wiyasa, S.Sn., I Wayan Dwima Adinata, S.Ds., Fiqih Widhiyanto, A.A. Gede Wira Merta, S.Sn. The workshop was attended by active students of ISI Denpasar from various study programs, including Fine Arts, Interior Design, and Visual Communication Design.
One of the Charma Wara speakers, I Komang Merta Sedana, S.Sn., or affectionately known as Manggen, depicted a girl reading as the main focus of the mural. This image carries rich symbolism. The activity of reading not only represents access to knowledge and education but also signifies the power of imagination, inspiration, and personal growth.
“We named this mural ‘Luh Munaroh.’ The word ‘Luh’ refers to the concept of femininity, while ‘Munaroh’ is inspired by two words, namely ‘Muna’ and ‘Roh.’ ‘Muna’ is derived from ‘Manu,’ which depicts the essence of humanity, while ‘Roh’ represents the soul or spirit that can be passed down from one generation to the next. Through this title, we aim to convey profound meanings about women, humanity, and spiritual heritage that transcend time,” said this Fine Arts alumni. (ISIDps/Humas-RT)

Mural Gigantik Merdeka Belajar Pukau Panel Ahli AQAS

Foto: Rektor ISI Denpasar, Prof Dr I Wayan ‘Kun’ Adnyana berserta jajaran pimpinan, panel ahli AQAS dan alumni ISI Denpasar berfoto di depan mural. Rabu (27/3).
Mural karya alumni dan mahasiswa Institut Seni Indonesia (ISI) Denpasar-Bali pada tembok timur Gedung Citta Kelangen ISI Denpasar memukau para panel ahli AQAS (Agency for Quality Assurance through Accreditation of Study Programs). Hal ini terungkap dalam tur kampus serangkaian Visitasi Akreditasi Internasional untuk 4 (empat) Program Studi ISI Denpasar, Rabu, 27 Maret 2024, sore.
Para panel ahli takjub menyaksikan penggarapan mural berukuran 22×16 meter dengan fokus gambar seorang gadis yang asyik membaca buku. Salah satu pane ahli AQAS, Clarissa Alice Neff (ahli desain grafis, desain pola, desain alas kaki) tampak takjub menyimak karya seni komunal ini. Dia juga memuji solidaritas alumni dan mahasiswa ISI Denpasar yang secara kolaboratif menciptakan karya mural indah dan megah. “This is wonderful work of art. Very inspiring (Ini karya yang luar biasa. Sangat menginspirasi)”
Kegiatan mural dikemas dalam Workshop Seni Mural “Charma Wara” serangkaian Festival Seni Alumni “Bali Citta Samasta”. Festival alumni perdana ini diselenggarakan 19 Maret sampai dengan 2 April 2024.
ISI Denpasar menghadirkan sembilan tokoh mural sekaligus alumni ISI Denpasar sebagai narasumber Charma Wara. Mereka, yakni I Putu Gede Wahyu Paramartha, S.Sn., M.Sn., Perwira Kesuma, S.Sn., I Komang Merta Sedana, S.Sn., I Wayan Mardiana, Lorenz Angelia Rieza Pangestuty, S.Ds., I Made Arde Wiyasa, S.Sn., I Wayan Dwima Adinata, S.Ds., Fiqih Widhiyanto, A.A. Gede Wira Merta, S.Sn. Workshop diikuti oleh mahasiswa aktif ISI Denpasar dari sejumlah program studi (prodi), diantaranya Prodi Seni Murni, Desain Interior, dan Desain Komunikasi Visual.
Salah satu narasumber Charma Wara I Komang Merta Sedana, S.Sn atau akrab disapa Manggen gambar gadis yang sedang membaca menjadi fokus utama pada mural. Gambar ini mengandung simbolisme yang kaya. Aktivitas membaca buku tidak hanya merepresentasikan akses terhadap pengetahuan dan pendidikan, tetapi juga menunjukkan kekuatan imajinasi, inspirasi, dan pertumbuhan pribadi. “Kami menamai karya mural ini sebagai “Luh Munaroh”. Kata “Luh” merujuk kepada konsep perempuan, sementara “Munaroh” terinspirasi dari dua kata, yakni “Muna” dan “Roh”. “Muna” diplesetkan dari “Manu”, yang menggambarkan esensi kemanusiaan, sedangkan “Roh” menggambarkan jiwa atau semangat yang dapat diwariskan dari satu generasi ke generasi berikutnya. Melalui judul ini, kami berusaha menyampaikan makna yang mendalam tentang perempuan, kemanusiaan, dan warisan spiritual yang melintasi zaman,” ujar alumni Prodi Seni Murni ini. (ISIDps/Humas-RT)