Photo: The gamelan players from the Karawitan Study Program of ISI Denpasar in the Performance of Bhakti Widya Kahuripan at Pura Pasar Agung, Batur Village, Kintamani District, Bangli Regency, Sunday (3/3).
Indonesian Institute of the Arts (ISI) Denpasar-Bali held the Bhakti Widya Kahuripan “Cupak Gerantang Anglanglang Dharma” at Pura Pasar Agung, Batur Village, Kintamani District, Bangli Regency, Sunday, March 3, 2024, evening.
The composition of the Karawitan Study Program, Faculty of Performing Arts, ISI Denpasar, became the main accompaniment in the dance drama “Cupak Gerantang Anglanglang Dharma”. Not only that, the Balinese gamelan also complemented the performance by accompanying the Kakuwung War Dance and Rejang Sadhyang Ulu Rani, and presenting Tabuh Kebyar Dang Citta Utsawa and Tabuh Gambang Suling as the opening acts.
This monumental and harmonious traditional Balinese music piece was composed by three prominent lecturers from the Faculty of Performing Arts, ISI Denpasar, namely Dean Dr. I Ketut Garwa, Coordinator of the Karawitan Arts Study Program I Nyoman Kariasa, M.Sn., and Head of the Performing Arts Education Study Program Laboratory, I Wayan Diana, S.Sn., M.Sn.
Photo: The gamelan players from the Karawitan Study Program of ISI Denpasar in the Performance of Bhakti Widya Kahuripan at Pura Pasar Agung, Batur Village, Kintamani District, Bangli Regency, Sunday (3/3).
According to the Coordinator of the Karawitan Arts Study Program I Nyoman Kariasa, M.Sn., the composition of the percussion for the Bhakti Widya Kahuripan performance has been prepared and practiced with students for 2 months, starting from January 2024. A total of 24 percussionists contributed to perfecting this work. They consisted of 4 lecturers, 3 educational staff, and 17 students of the Karawitan Arts Study Program.
“This composition is a form of realization of the learning outcomes that students of Karawitan Study Program have obtained and demonstrates their dedication to the rich values and beauty of traditional Balinese art,” he said.
Nyoman Kariasa hopes that this performance will not only enrich the local community’s artistic insight but also serve as tangible evidence of the sustainability of Bali’s cultural heritage that needs to be preserved and appreciated by younger generations. “With the spirit of Bhakti Widya Kahuripan, ISI Denpasar continues to play an active role in preserving and developing traditional arts as an integral part of Indonesia’s cultural identity,” he said. (ISIDps/Humas-RT)
Foto: Para penabuh dari Prodi Seni Karawitan ISI Denpasar dalam Pergelaran Bhakti Widya Kahuripan di Pura Pasar Agung, Desa Batur, Kecamatan Kintamani, Kabupaten Bangli, Minggu (3/3).
Institut Seni Indonesia (ISI) Denpasar-Bali menggelar Bhakti Widya Kahuripan “Cupak Gerantang Anglanglang Dharma” di Jaba Pura Pasar Agung, Desa Batur, Kecamatan Kintamani, Kabupaten Bangli, Minggu, 3 Maret 2024, malam.
Karya tabuh garapan Program Studi Seni Karawitan, Fakultas Seni Pertunjukan, ISI Denpasar menjadi pengiring utama dalam sendratari “Cupak Gerantang Anglanglang Dharma”. Tidak hanya itu, penabuh juga melengkapi pertunjukan dengan mengiringi Tari Baris Kakuwung dan Rejang Sadhyang Ulu Rani, serta menyuguhkan Tabuh Kebyar Dang Citta Utsawa dan Tabuh Gambang Suling sebagai pembuka acara.
Karya musik tradisional Bali yang monumental nan harmonis ini disusun oleh tiga dosen terkemuka dari Fakultas Seni Pertunjukan ISI Denpasar, yaitu Dekan Dr. I Ketut Garwa, Koordinator Program Studi (Prodi) Seni Karawitan I Nyoman Kariasa, M.Sn., dan Kepala Laboratorium Prodi Pendidikan Seni Pertunjukan, I Wayan Diana, S.Sn., M.Sn.
Foto: Para penabuh dari Prodi Seni Karawitan ISI Denpasar dalam Pergelaran Bhakti Widya Kahuripan di Pura Pasar Agung, Desa Batur, Kecamatan Kintamani, Kabupaten Bangli, Minggu (3/3).
Menurut Koordinator Prodi Seni Karawitan I Nyoman Kariasa, M.Sn., garapan tabuh untuk pergelaran Bhakti Widya Kahuripan telah dipersipakan dan dilatih bersama mahasiswa selama 2 bulan, dimulai sejak Januari 2024. Sebanyak 24 penabuh turut berkontribusi dalam menyempurnakan karya ini. Mereka terdiri dari 4 dosen, 3 tenaga kependidikan, dan 17 mahasiswa Prodi Seni Karawitan.
“Garapan ini sebagai bentuk aktualiasai hasil pembelajaran yang telah diperoleh mahasiswa Prodi Seni Karawitan serta menunjukkan dedikasi mereka terhadap seni tradisional Bali yang kaya akan nilai dan keindahan” ujarnya.
Nyoman Kariasa berharap pergelaran ini tidak hanya memperkaya wawasan seni masyarakat lokal, tetapi juga menjadi bukti nyata akan keberlanjutan warisan budaya Bali yang perlu dilestarikan dan diapresiasi oleh generasi muda. “Dengan semangat Bhakti Widya Kahuripan, ISI Denpasar terus berperan aktif dalam memelihara dan mengembangkan seni tradisional sebagai bagian tak terpisahkan dari identitas budaya Indonesia” tuturnya. (ISIDps/Humas-RT)
Photo: The gamelan players from the Karawitan Study Program of ISI Denpasar in the Performance of Bhakti Widya Kahuripan at Pura Pasar Agung, Batur Village, Kintamani District, Bangli Regency, Sunday (3/3).
Photo: The gamelan players from the Karawitan Study Program of ISI Denpasar in the Performance of Bhakti Widya Kahuripan at Pura Pasar Agung, Batur Village, Kintamani District, Bangli Regency, Sunday (3/3).
According to the Coordinator of the Karawitan Arts Study Program I Nyoman Kariasa, M.Sn., the composition of the percussion for the Bhakti Widya Kahuripan performance has been prepared and practiced with students for 2 months, starting from January 2024. A total of 24 percussionists contributed to perfecting this work. They consisted of 4 lecturers, 3 educational staff, and 17 students of the Karawitan Arts Study Program.
“This composition is a form of realization of the learning outcomes that students of Karawitan Study Program have obtained and demonstrates their dedication to the rich values and beauty of traditional Balinese art,” he said.
Nyoman Kariasa hopes that this performance will not only enrich the local community’s artistic insight but also serve as tangible evidence of the sustainability of Bali’s cultural heritage that needs to be preserved and appreciated by younger generations. “With the spirit of Bhakti Widya Kahuripan, ISI Denpasar continues to play an active role in preserving and developing traditional arts as an integral part of Indonesia’s cultural identity,” he said. (ISIDps/Humas-RT)
Photo: Bhakti Widya Kahuripan Performance “Cupak Gerantang Anglanglang Dharma” at Pura Pasar Agung Gunung Batur, Kintamani, Sunday (3/3)
The Indonesian Institute of the Arts (ISI) Denpasar-Bali presented an ecological performance titled “Cupak Gerantang Anglanglang Dharma” at Jaba Pura Pasar Agung, Batur Village, Kintamani Subdistrict, Bangli Regency, on Sunday, March 3, 2024, in the evening. This dance drama performance, which was part of the 2024 Bhakti Widya Kahuripan Program, was presented collaboratively by 100 lecturers, educational staff, and students of ISI Denpasar with the support of the Batur community.
ISI Denpasar Rector, Prof. Dr. I Wayan ‘Kun’ Adnyana, stated that the performance of “Cupak Gerantang Anglanglang Dharma” was an actualization of the learning process for ISI Denpasar students. The play, which had been rehearsed for two months, involved director I Kadek Widnyana, M.Sn., choreographer I Gede Oka Surya Negara, M.Sn., with compositions by Dr. Ketut Garwa and I Nyoman Kariasa, M.Sn. In their performance, the characters wore new designs of headpieces and costumes by A.A.Ngr.Anom Mayun K.Tenaya, M.Si, and Cokorda Alit Artawan, S.Sn., M.Sn.
Photo: Bhakti Widya Kahuripan Performance “Cupak Gerantang Anglanglang Dharma” at Pura Pasar Agung Gunung Batur, Kintamani, Sunday (3/3)
On the morning before the art performance, ISI Denpasar conducted the Mulang Pakelem ceremony at three points, namely at the peaks of Kanginan and Kauhan Mount Batur, and at Lake Batur. Pakelem, in the form of black chickens and ducks, was offered with the intention of requesting and maintaining the harmony of the universe.
“During those three days (March 2-4, 2024), we conducted a journey akin to yatra, entered sacred ceremonial spaces, then practiced for a long time to strengthen the ecological performance of Cupak Gerantang Anglanglang Dharma with new costumes and headpieces premiered that night,” said the Professor of Art History.
Photo: Bhakti Widya Kahuripan Performance “Cupak Gerantang Anglanglang Dharma” at Pura Pasar Agung Gunung Batur, Kintamani, Sunday (3/3)
Prof. Kun Adnyana revealed that the essence of this activity was to bring the academic community, especially students, closer to experiences related to the sacredness of Balinese culture. “Considering creative higher education institutions like ISI Denpasar, we greatly needed spaces for spiritual enrichment, feelings, and empathy towards the vortex of civilization and the noble culture of Bali. Only then could we strengthen and actualize our spiritual sense,” he added.
Aside from the Cupak Gerantang dance drama, ISI Denpasar also presented Tabuh Kebyar Dang Citta Utsawa, Tari Baris Kakuwung and Rejang Sadhyang Ulu Ranu, as well as Tabuh Gambang Suling as the opening.
Photo: Bhakti Widya Kahuripan Performance “Cupak Gerantang Anglanglang Dharma” at Pura Pasar Agung Gunung Batur, Kintamani, Sunday (3/3)
Cupak Gerantang Anglanglang Dharma told the story of two siblings, Cupak and Grantang, who had completely different characteristics. Cupak reflected all the bad qualities of humans, he was greedy, envious, and often betrayed. Meanwhile, Grantang, the younger brother, had good manners and polite speech.
One day, they participated in a contest to rescue the Princess of the Kediri Kingdom who was kidnapped by the Giant Benaru. Grantang managed to defeat the Giant Benaru. However, through deceit, Cupak harmed and tricked Grantang and brought the Princess to the palace, claiming to have rescued her.
Photo: Gamelan Playes in Bhakti Widya Kahuripan Performance “Cupak Gerantang Anglanglang Dharma” at Pura Pasar Agung Gunung Batur, Kintamani, Sunday (3/3)
The King then crowned Cupak as the new king as a reward for bringing his daughter back to the palace safely. Cupak celebrated his coronation by devouring food greedily without etiquette.
Unexpectedly, Grantang, who was thought to be dead, came to the palace to confront Cupak. Cupak, who possessed the power of Brahma Kundawijaya by the blessing of Lord Brahma, transformed into Rangda. Meanwhile, Grantang, who received the blessing of Lord Iswara, transformed into Barong Swari.
The performance of “Cupak Gerantang Anglanglang Dharma” captivated the audience, mostly the Batur community, with its strong narrative, innovative artistic composition, environmentally-based choreography, accompanied by melodic gamelan compositions, and supported by performance props combined with exquisite lighting.
Photo: Bhakti Widya Kahuripan Performance Team “Cupak Gerantang Anglanglang Dharma” at Pura Pasar Agung Gunung Batur, Kintamani, Sunday (3/3)
Jero Penyarikan Duwuran Batur, who also witnessed the performance, expressed joy at the selection of Batur as the venue for this sacred art presentation, especially Pura Pasar Agung, believed to be the meeting place of Purusa and Pradana. Over the past two years, ISI Denpasar had staged ecological art performances in the Batur area, namely Nuwur Kukuwung Ranu in 2022 and Batur Ulu Pasuwakan in 2023 at Pura Segara Danu Batur.
“The ecological performances by ISI Denpasar have proven to inspire at least the people I know. Activities through artistic spaces allow the principles and philosophy of Batur’s local wisdom to be understood. Hopefully, this movement can continue to flow and become a pattern for enlightenment spaces in the future for better devotion, understanding, and reverence,” he said.
Jero Penyarikan Duwuran extended congratulations and expressed gratitude to the entire academic community of ISI Denpasar for the performance of “Cupak Gerantang Anglanglang Dharma” and hoped that the cooperation between ISI Denpasar and the Batur Village would continue. “Thank you for choosing Batur as a space for artistic elaboration, and may what has been built be continually nurtured so that from its source, it can provide a flow of wisdom for the Balinese community,” said the alumnus of Ancient Javanese Literature at Udayana University (ISIDps/Humas-RT).”
Photo: The Rector of ISI Denpasar, Prof. Dr. I Wayan ‘Kun’ Adnyana along with officials on Mulang Pekelem procession at the crater of Mount Batur, on Sunday (3/3)
The Indonesian Institute of the Arts (ISI) Denpasar-Bali once again carried out the Ecological Ceremony of Bhakti Widya Kahuripan in Batur Village, Kintamani District, Bangli Regency. Following the performance of “Batur Ulu Pasuwakan” at Pura Segara Batur in October 2023, ISI Denpasar presented a performance entitled “Cupak Gerantang Anglanglang Dharma” at Pura Pasar Agung Mount Batur from March 2-4, 2024.
In conjunction with the “Cupak Gerantang Anglanglang Dharma” performance, ISI Denpasar conducted the Mulang pakelem ritual at three locations in the Batur area on Sunday, March 3, 2024, in the morning. Pakelem offerings, including black chickens and other offerings, were presented at the Kauhan (west) and Kanginan (east) crater of Mount Batur, as well as in the middle of Lake Batur.
Photo: The Rector of ISI Denpasar, Prof. Dr. I Wayan ‘Kun’ Adnyana, along with officials performing prayers in the Mulang Pekelem ceremony at the Kanginan crater of Mount Batur, on Sunday (3/3).
Vice-Rector for Planning and Cooperation and Chairman of the Event, Prof. Dr. I Komang Sudirga, stated that the Mulang pakelem ceremony was conducted to pray for the safety of all academic communities of ISI Denpasar and to ensure the smooth running of the “Cupak Gerantang Anglanglang Dharma” ceremony.
“The Mulang pakelem ceremony is an integral part of Balinese Hindu religious practice carried out to maintain spiritual balance and seek blessings and protection from the Almighty. In this regard, we also pray for the smooth running of the ‘Cupak Gerantang Anglanglang Dharma’ ceremony tonight (March 3, 2024),” said the Professor specializing in Karawitan Arts Studies.
Photo: Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs, Student Affairs and Alumni Dr. Drs. Anak Agung Gde Rai Remawa, M.Sn performing Mulang pakelem at the crater of Mount Batur, on Sunday (3/3).
The Mulang pakelem ceremony was conducted by the Rector of ISI Denpasar, Prof. Dr. I Wayan ‘Kun’ Adnyana, and Mrs. Ayu Ketut Putri Rahayuning, Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs, Student Affairs and Alumni Dr. Drs. Anak Agung Gde Rai Remawa, M.Sn, Vice-Rector for Planning and Cooperation Prof. Dr. I Komang Sudirga, Head of the General and Financial Bureau Dr. I Gusti Ngurah Sudibya, Head of the Academic, Student Affairs, Planning and Cooperation Bureau Dr. I Komang Arba Wirawan, Dean of the Faculty of Performing Arts Dr. I Ketut Garwa, as well as several lecturers and educational staff of ISI Denpasar.
Photo: ISI Denpasar team along with several residents of Batur Village at the crater of Mount Batur, on Sunday (3/3).
ISI Denpasar team began the journey to Kanginan (east) crater from Pura Pasar Agung Mount Batur at 05:00, guided by several residents of Batur Traditional Village. The Pakelem ceremony at Kanginan crater was led by Jero Penyarikan Duuran Batur. The team continued their journey to Kauhan (west) crater, about 1 hour from Kanginan crater. The Pakelem at Kauhan crater was led by Jero Penyarikan Alitan Batur. Pakelem offerings and black chickens were thrown into the middle of the mountain’s crater. After performing the Mulang pakelem at the two peaks of Mount Batur, the ISI Denpasar team continued their journey to Lake Batur. Offerings and Pakelem chickens were submerged in the middle of Lake Batur. (ISIDps / Humas-RT)
Foto: Pergelaran Bhakti Widya Kahuripan “Cupak Gerantang Anglanglang Dharma” di Pura Pasar Agung Gunung Batur, Kintamani, Minggu (3/3)
Institut Seni Indonesia (ISI) Denpasar-Bali mempersembahkan pergelaran ekologis bertajuk “Cupak Gerantang Anglanglang Dharma” di Jaba Pura Pasar Agung, Desa Batur, Kecamatan Kintamani, Kabupaten Bangli, Minggu, 3 Maret 2024, malam. Pergelaran sendratari yang diramu dalam Program Bhakti Widya Kahuripan 2024 ini disajikan secara kolaboratif oleh 100 dosen, tenaga kependidikan, dan mahasiswa ISI Denpasar dengan dukungan masyarakat Batur.
Rektor ISI Denpasar, Prof. Dr. I Wayan ‘Kun’ Adnyana mengatakan pergelaran “Cupak Gerantang Anglanglang Dharma” ini sebagai aktualiasasi pembelajaran mahasiswa ISI Denpasar. Lakon yang dipentaskan telah dilatih selama dua bulan melibatkan sutradara I Kadek Widnyana, M.Sn., koreografer I Gede Oka Surya Negara, M.Sn., dengan komposer Dr. Ketut Garwa dan I Nyoman Kariasa, M.Sn. Dalam gelarannya para tokoh mengenakan gelungan (mahkota) dan busana baru hasil desain, A.A.Ngr.Anom Mayun K.Tenaya, M.Si dan Cokorda Alit Artawan, S.Sn., M.Sn.
Foto: Pergelaran Bhakti Widya Kahuripan “Cupak Gerantang Anglanglang Dharma” di Pura Pasar Agung Gunung Batur, Kintamani, Minggu (3/3)
Pagi hari sebelum pementasan seni tersebut, ISI Denpasar telah melaksanakan upacara Mulang Pakelem di tiga titik, yakni di Puncak Kanginan dan Kauhan Gunung Batur, serta di Danau Batur. Pakelem berupa ayam dan bebek dihaturkan dengan tujuan memohon dan menjaga keharmonisan alam semesta.
“Kami dalam 3 hari ini (2 – 4 Maret 2024) melaksanakan perjalanan bak yatra, memasuki ruang upacara upakara yang sakral, lalu berlatih sekian lama untuk memperteguh pergelaran Ekologis Cupak Gerantang Anglanglang Dharma dengan kostum dan gelungan baru yang secara perdana dipertontonkan malam ini.” ujar Guru Besar Sejarah Seni ini.
Foto: Pergelaran Bhakti Widya Kahuripan “Cupak Gerantang Anglanglang Dharma” di Pura Pasar Agung Gunung Batur, Kintamani, Minggu (3/3)
Prof Kun Adnyana mengungkapkan sejatinya kegiatan ini bertujuan mendekatkan sivitas akademika, utamanya mahasiswa untuk memasuki pengalaman terkait kesakralan kebudayaan Bali. “Mengingat perguruan tinggi kreatif seperti ISI Denpasar, sangat membutuhkan ruang-ruang untuk pengayaan batin, rasa dan empati terhadap pusaran peradaban dan kebudayaan luhur nan mulia dari kebudayaan Bali ini. Hanya dengan demikian kita bisa menguatkan dan mengaktualisasi rasa kebatinan kita,” imbuhnya.
Sebelum pementasan sendratari Cupak Gerantang, ISI Denpasar menyuguhkan Tabuh Kebyar Dang Citta Utsawa, Tari Baris Kakuwung dan Rejang Sadhyang Ulu Rani, serta Tabuh Gambang Suling.
Foto: Pergelaran Bhakti Widya Kahuripan “Cupak Gerantang Anglanglang Dharma” di Pura Pasar Agung Gunung Batur, Kintamani, Minggu (3/3)
Cupak Gerantang Anglanglang Dharma mengisahkan kakak beradik yaitu Cupak dan Grantang yang memiliki sifat yang benar-benar berbeda. Cupak mencerminkan semua sifat yang yang buruk pada diri manusia, dia rakus, suka mendengki, dan sering kali berkhianat. Sedangkan Grantang sang adik, berbudi pekerti baik dan tutur katanya pun sopan.
Suatu hari, mereka mengikuti sayembara untuk menyelamatkan Putri Kerajaan Kediri yang diculik oleh Raksasa Benaru. Gerantang berhasil mengalahkan Raksasa Benaru. Namun, dengan tipu daya Cupak mencelakai dan mencurangi Gerantang dan membawa Putri ke istana menghadap raja mengaku telah menyelamatkan sang Putri.
Foto: Sekaa Gong ISI Denpasar dalam Pergelaran Bhakti Widya Kahuripan “Cupak Gerantang Anglanglang Dharma” di Pura Pasar Agung Gunung Batur, Kintamani, Minggu (3/3)
Raja pun menobatkan Cupak sebagai raja baru sebagai hadiah karena telah membawa putrinya kembali ke istana dengan selamat. Cupak merayakan penobatan itu dengan menyantap panganan dengan rakus tanpa tata krama.
Tanpa diduga, Gerantang yang disangka telah mati datang ke istana menemui Cupak dan bertarung dengannya. Cupak yang memiliki kesaktian Brahma Kundawijaya atas panugrahan Dewa Brahma berubah menjadi Rangda. Sedangkan, Grantang yang memperoleh panugrahan dari Dewa Iswara berubah menjadi Barong Swari.
Pergelaran “Cupak Gerantang Anglanglang Dharma” berhasil memukau penonton yang mayoritas masyarakat Batur dengan narasi yang kuat, tata artistik inovatif, koreografi berbasis lingkungan, diiringi komposisi melodis gamelan, serta didukung properti pertunjukan yang dipadu permainan tata cahaya yang apik.
Foto: Tim Pergelaran Bhakti Widya Kahuripan “Cupak Gerantang Anglanglang Dharma” di Pura Pasar Agung Gunung Batur, Kintamani, Minggu (3/3)
Jero Penyarikan Duwuran Batur yang turut menyaksikan pergelaran menyampaikan sukacita kembali dipilihnya Batur sebagai ruang dipanggungkannya suguhan seni penuh kesucian, terkhusus Pura Pasar Agung yang diyakini sebagai pertemuan Purusa dan Pradana. Dua tahun terakhir ISI Denpasar telah mementaskan pergelaran seni ekologi di Kawasan Batur, yakni Nuwur Kukuwung Ranu pada tahun 2022 dan Batur Ulu Pasuwakan pada 2023 di Pura Segara Danu Batur.
“Pegelaran ekologis oleh ISI Denpasar terbukti dapat menggugah setidaknya orang-orang yang saya kenal. Kegiatan melalui ruang seni membuat tattwa dan filsafat tentang kearifan lokal batur bisa dimaknai. Semoga gerakan ini bisa terus mengalir dan menjadi pola ruang penyadaran dikemudian hari untuk pawongan, palemahan dan sradha bhakti yang lebih baik,” ujarnya.
Jero Penyarikan Duwuran menyampaikan selamat dan mengungkapkan terima kasih kepada seluruh sivitas akademika ISI Denpasar atas Pergelaran “Cupak Gerantang Anglanglang Dharma” dan berharap kerja sama ISI Denpasar dan Desa Batur terus dijalin. “Terima kasih telah memilih Batur sebagai ruang elaborasi seni dan semoga apa yang sudah dibangun bisa terus kita rawat sehingga dari hulu bisa memberikan aliran kearifan bagi masyarakat Bali,” tutur alumnus Sastra Jawa Kuno Universitas Udayana ini (ISIDps/Humas-RT)