Prof. Wayan “’Kun” Adnyana the New Rector of ISI Denpasar after being appointed by the Minister of Education and Culture

by | Jul 25, 2021 | News

The Minister of Education and Culture (Mendikbud) Nadiem Anwar Makarim inaugurated Prof. Dr. Wayan ”Kun” Adnyana becomes the Rector of Indonesian Art Institute (ISI) Denpasar for the period of 2021-2025, Monday (22/3/2021) at Plaza Insan Prestasi, Ki Hadjar Dewantara Building, Ministry of Education and Culture, Jakarta. Nadiem the Minister of Education and Culture hopes that the newly inaugurated Rector will immediately get down to work and create a superior university with the policy of “Merdeka Belajar-Kampus Merdeka” (Independent Learning-Independent Campus).  This excellence includes improving human resources (HR) and global competitiveness.

Professor ”Kun” Adnyana, when contacted from Denpasar after the inauguration, stated that he was ready to answer the Minister of Education and Culture’s wish. “Mas Minister’s vision, as projected as the strategic plan of the Ministry of Education and Culture, and manifested in the performance agreement with the Rector, firmly emphasizes that the main performance indicators for the Rector with all ISI Denpasar stakeholders must immediately responded specifically to the competitiveness of the universities,” he said.

The orientation, added Kun, aside from the access, quality, and relevance, the most important thing is increasing global competitiveness. “We uphold the vision of ISI Denpasar in the future as a center of excellence, which is in line with the vision of the Bali provincial government, especially in the cultural dimension as Bali Padma Bhuwana (Bali as the Center of World Civilization), with the Global-Bali Arts and Creativity Hub (G-BACH) branding” explained by Prof. Kun the former Head of the Bali Provincial Culture Service.

Kun added that ISI Denpasar, which is the one and only art college in Bali, even plays an important and strategic role in the central part of Indonesia. “In addition to implementing the Merdeka Belajar-Kampus Merdeka to achieve independent, critical, and creative learners, systematic efforts will be made to make this creative higher education institution competitive globally. Bali’s position as a locus is very profitable and a blessing. Bali has a creative ecosystem, and a long history of artistic life, has also become a venue for the global art and cultural competitions. Bali is also a brand that is admired by the world, so the efforts to make ISI Denpasar as an international hub in dialogue, synergy, and world class collaboration on art and culture will optimistically be actualized,” he said.

Regarding the education quality, this professor of art history explained that his party would cooperate with the widest range of art maestros and professionals, including the international professors, as guest lecturers in collaboration with all ISI Denpasar lecturers in all study programs. “This includes mainstreaming of the Merdeka Belajar-Kampus merdeka as the arena for research/artwork creation through independent projects, teaching in remote educational units, strategic cooperation with the business/industry world, and thematic community services. Competitiveness efforts are designed through higher education institutions and the arts creative world networking” explained Prof. Kun. 

Meanwhile, the former Rector of ISI Denpasar for the 2017-2021 period, Prof. Dr. Gede Arya Sugiartha believes that Prof. Kun can bring forward ISI Denpasar to global competition and improve the achievements that have been achieved so far. After seeing his performance over the last two years, when leading the Bali Provincial Culture Service, which was full of creativity in organizing arts and cultural programs and activities, even in a pandemic situation, his party firmly believes that Prof. Kun will also succeed in leading it as the pride campus of the Balinese society.


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