Magister of Art Educaiton Study Program

About Art Education Study Program (S2)


The Arts Education Study Program, the ISI Denpasar Masters Program, has a distinctive character based on culture and local wisdom with a universal outlook. The education system being developed refers to the national education system based on Pancasila and the 1945 Constitution. From this education system, educators in the arts will be produced who are equipped with excellence in the arts, both in practice and theory.

Another important thing that is the specialty of the ISI Denpasar Arts Education Study Program is its presence in the midst of a global Balinese cultural environment. For students who are interested in conducting studies on Balinese art and culture as well as the art and culture inheritance system in it, ISI Denpasar is the ideal place; classical, traditional, modern and contemporary culture exist and are developed simultaneously.

The Masters Program in Art Education Study Program is designed to accommodate creative, critical, solutive, functional, professional, integrative and inclusive processes in the scientific development of art education. The final product of this Masters program is a thesis which is oriented towards the study of the phenomenon of the Archipelago’s art and culture education, along with its various systems of inheritance. The approach used can be interdisciplinary, multidisciplinary, and/or contextual, which is carried out according to academic principles and can be scientifically justified

Graduate Prospects

Graduate Prospects:

  1. Professional educators, coaches and instructors (Teachers, Lecturers     instructors)
  2. Professional researcher in the field of Art Education
  3. Professional entrepreneur in the field of Art Education

Struktur Kurikulum

Semester Nama Mata Kuliah1 Bobot sks2 RPS3
Teori Praktik
I 1 MPS-101 Filsafat Ilmu Pendidikan Seni 2 0
2 MPS-102 Kurikulum Pendidikan Seni 2 0
3 MPS-103 Sejarah Seni 2 0
4 MPS-104 Estetika 2 0
5 MPS-105 Metodologi Penelitian Pendidkan Seni 2 0
6 MPS-106 Statistik 2 0
Sub Total 12 0
Total Semester I 12
II 1 MPS-201 Evaluasi Pembelajaran Seni 2 0
2 MPS-202 Sistem Pewarisan Seni dan Budaya 1 2
3 MPS-203 Kajian Interdisiplin Pendidikan Seni 2 0
4 MPS-204 Desain dan Teknologi Pembelajaran Seni 2 0
Sub Total 7 2
Total Semester II 9
III 1 MPS-301Proposal Tesis 2 0
MPS-302 Praktek Pengalaman Lapangan 1 2
MPS-303 Manajemen Pendidikan Seni 2 0
MPS-205 Psikologi Pendidikan Seni 2 0
Sub Total 7 2
Total Semester III 9
IV MPS-401 Seminar Hasil Penelitian Tesis 2 0
MPS-402 Tesis 6 0
Sub Total 8 0
Total Semester IV 8
Jumlah SKS (semester I – IV) 38

Matrikulasi : 4 SKS

  1. Wawasan Seni dan  Budaya
  2. Kritik Seni

Immediately filled


The ISI Denpasar Faculty of Art and Design provides a variety of student facilities to support educational activities

Student Organization

The ISI Denpasar Faculty of Fine Arts and Design has student organizations spread across the scope of the organization, from study programs, faculties to institutes. This includes the Student Activity Unit.

Supporting lecturer

