Fashion Design Study Program

About the Fashion Design Study Program


The profile of graduates of the Fashion Design Study Program has specific characteristics when compared to similar study programs at other tertiary institutions. The main focus that forms the basis of learning is the diversity of Indonesian national cultural identities (diversity of Indonesia) as well as the excellence of local cultural arts that have received world recognition. Archipelago culture and the development of world art and culture as an additional element of insight development. Think Locally, Act Globally (think locally and act globally) is a slogan that triggers the mindset and perspective of the Fashion Design Study Program, FSRD, ISI Denpasar.

Profile of graduates of the ISI Denpasar Fashion Design FSRD Study Program have a very significant and strategic role in efforts to provide services to the community as an effort to educate the nation’s life in the field of cultural arts education, especially in the field of fashion design. Through the Fashion Design Study Program, the Faculty of Fine Arts and Design can increase its role in managing and developing human resources with broad perspectives and openness to developments in design, art, science and technology. This form of openness can be implemented through the ability of graduates to create superior fashion design works according to the demands of society and are able to study in accordance with developments in science, technology and the currently developing fashion design paradigm.

Graduate Prospect

Profile of graduates of the Fashion Design study program, focuses on combining creative theory and practice based on the diversity of local Balinese and Indonesian cultures
required in the fashion industry. This program is designed to produce future leaders in the creative industries who participate treasury of Indonesia’s superior products in the fashion sector. The qualification of the Fashion Design Study Program is Bachelor of Design Applied Science (S.Tr.Ds) who has the competency to understand, analyze, explore and implement fashion design in the singularity (uniqueness) of a product, based the diversity of local Balinese and Indonesian cultures, as well as being able to become a cultural bridge for the Indonesian nation in a global world, in accordance with the needs of the fashion industry to enrich human values ​​that are in line with the times.
Referring to the vision of the Fashion Design Study Program, 7 profile forms are formulated graduates of the Fashion Design Study Program, namely:

  1. Fashion Designer (Fashion Designer), able to work as a professional fashion designer, both in companies and privately owned businesses.
  2. Textile Designer (Textile Designer), able to work as a textile designer with traditional and digital creation capabilities according to the needs of the fashion industry.
  3. Pattern maker (patternmaker), able to work as a fashion pattern maker man; woman; and child, both manually and digitally according to fashion industry needs.
  4. Panata Gaya/Mode (Fashion Stylist), able to work as a stylist/fashion, including make-up and hair in traditional styles; modern; and contemporary.
  5. Fashion Illustrator (Fashion Illustrator), able to work as a fashion illustrator through the creation of both manual and digital techniques.
  6. Fashion Consultant (Fashion Consultant), able to work as a fashion consultant who understands aspects of culture, history, trends, business and production techniques in the fashion industry.

Fashion journalists (Fashion Journalists), are able to work as journalists, critics, and curators who have insight and knowledge about the fashion industry.


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Student Achievement

The Fashion Design Study Program has Akreditasi Unggul from BAN-PT

*click on the image for more details


Agreement Fashion Design Study Program (Download Here)

Sample Theses


The Fashion Design Study Program occupies the floor of the Cita Hasta Mandala building, Faculty of Art and Design. On an area of ​​​​approximately 25 m2, the rooms for lecturers, heads and secretaries of the Study Program, and document/archive storage, then the documentation room for student work/library collections for the Fashion Design Study Program are located in the area of ​​the student theory room.

Student Organization

Fakultas Seni Rupa dan dsain ISI Denpasar memiliki organisasi mahasiswa yang tersebar dalam lingkup oraganisasi, mulai program studi, fakultas, sampai dengan institut. Termasuk di dalamnya terdapat Unit Kegiatan Mahasiswa (UKM).

Supporting lecturer

