Design Fashion Study Program Raising Aid for NTT Disaster Victim

by | Jul 22, 2021 | News

Denpasar- The Student Association (HMJ) of Fashion Design Program under ISI Denpasar organizes activities to help flood victims in East Nusa Tenggara (NTT).

Hundreds of ready-to-wear clothes were symbolically handed over by the Rector ISI Denpasar, Prof. Dr. I Wayan Kun Adnyana to Yosep Yulius Diaz as the General Chair of Flobamora Bali at the Rectorated Building of ISI Denpasar on Wednesday, 19th of May, 2021. At this moment, the Rector accompanied by the Vice Rector for Academic, Students, and Alumni Affairs, Dr. A.A Rai Remawa, the Vice Rector for General Affairs and Finance, Dr. I Ketut Muka, M.Si, the Vice Rector for Planning and Cooperation, Dr. I Komang Sudirga.

Humanitarian activity carried out by ISI Denpasar students is a pilot project for the free learning humanitarian program in accordance with the implementation of the slogan full of meaning for the 2021 National education system, “Simultaneously move to create Independent Learning ”.  “ISI Denpasar chose Humanitarian activities program as one from eight choice of Independent Learning-Independent Campus (MBKM)” said the Rector, Prof. Wayan Kun Adnyana.

According to him, this activity is great as an implementation of Independent-learning on Campus. “I am so proud with this outstanding activity, We hope this support can be received directly to those in need”, said the former Head of the Bali Provincial Culture Service.

The head of Fashion Design study program, Dr. Tjok Istri Ratna C.S., S.Sn.,M.Si, said that the fundraising event entitled “Jelujur Asa” is a movement that connects the fighting spirit of our people in Indonesia. “This activity was initiated by HMJ Fashion Design Study Program ISI Denpasar that is carried out in three different locations”, Tjok Istri Ratna said.

The activity began on 10th of May, 2021 by collection thousands of wearable clothes from the entire ISI Denpasar academic community, followed by the handing over of clothing donations to three places (1) to residents of the Panti Dharma Jati II Denpasar, (2) to workers at the Suwung final dumpsite (TPA), (3) to disaster victim in NTT. “We hope that through this humanitarian activity, ISI Denpasar can optimize the implementation of MBKM policy and participate in realizing the vision of the Ministry of Education and Research and Technology (Kemendikbud-Ristek)- to generate Students that understand Pancasila to be able to achieve Advanced Indonesia ”, she said.

Yosep Yulius Dias as the leader of Flobamora Bali expressed his gratitude for the concern for the residents of NTT who were victims of the flood. “In NTT there are 14 districts and 1 city affected by the disaster. Through this assistance, hopefully we can ease the burden on the affected residents, and we as representatives of the NTT community express our gratitude for the assistance in the form of these decent clothes,” explained Yulius Diaz accompanied by Marselinus Sil Paga as chair of the Flambora Crisis Center Bali, and Melkianus Boleng as Secretary of the Flobamora Crisis Center, Bali.


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